UnityVS is free for all Visual Studio devs!

UnityVS, a tool for debugging Unity games within Visual Studio, is finally free and available to developer using Visual Studio. It works for VS 2010, ’12, and ’14. If you currently do not have Visual Studio, feel free to contact me, and I can set you up with BIzSpark for free. Here are some of…

$100k worldwide Unity contest

Today, Unity and Microsoft announced a new world-wide contest with $100K in prizes to bring Unity games to Windows and Windows Phone. The rules are pretty straight forward, and he contest site is hosted at http://unity3d.com/contest/windows, so feel free to head over and submit your games! ———————– @DaveVoyles Subscribe to my startup, tech, and game dev newsletter

Professional Game Development Tools

This post is part of 3 week series giving current and aspiring game devs the tools, resources, and advice they need to get started building for Windows. We also have a great video course on game production basics at Microsoft Virtual Academy.   Visual Studio Community Edition  You need an IDE, or Integrated Development Environment,…