Big updates to Babylon.js 2.0

The Babylon.js team made some big updates with 2.0 this week, as announced by David Catuhe( @deltakosh). You can find the latest news about it here. The Web Audio support in this haunted mansion demo is pretty crazy: Major updates Support for WebAudio. More info here (davrous) Support for Procedural Texture with standard usable samples and…

asm.js is headed to the Chakra JavaScript engine for Spartan in Windows 10, and what it means for games

Earlier today, we flipped asm.js to “In Development” at Support for asm.js has beenone of the top 10 most-requested items at the IE Suggestion Box on UserVoice since we launched it in December. This is huge. What is asm.js? John Resig talked about it more in depth in his blog, some time ago. Here’s how…

The current state of WebGL – iOS 8, Yosemite, Android Lollipop

Update: User pyalot on reddit has pointed me towards an excellent site for tracking WebGL usage and statistics: WebGL Stats uses a tracker frame embedded in other sites to collect the data. You can help too, just embed the code below into your page. <script src=”//” defer=”defer” async=”async”></script> Back to the original post. The web is…

Recap of the WebGL talk at Microsoft Malvern

We had a great meeting for Philadelphia Game Works last night, at the Microsoft Malvern office. Group founder, Chris Gomez (@SpaceShot) is in the photo above, getting things started. We spoke about WebGL and how to get started with the open source engine, BabylonJS. The next meeting is on Wednesday the 30th, and we’ll be…

Professional Game Development Tools

This post is part of 3 week series giving current and aspiring game devs the tools, resources, and advice they need to get started building for Windows. We also have a great video course on game production basics at Microsoft Virtual Academy.   Visual Studio Community Edition  You need an IDE, or Integrated Development Environment,…