Changing the .ini files

Whenever you are creating a game of your own in UDK, you’ll need to make changes to the .ini (or configuration) files in the UDK Build Version /UDKGame / Config folder.  Please note that you may have to right click, enter “properties” and uncheck the “Read Only” box so that we can make alterations to the files.   Start by opening the following files:

DefaultGame.ini AND DefaultGameUDK

Alter the following code so that it looks like what I have below. It should be listed on lines 4-7. This tells UDK which game to launch by default, as well as which controller to use for our pawn.



Scroll down to line 480  and add the line “EditPackages=YourGame“. This tells UDK to look for our package (or folder in our case), called “YourGame“.



You’re going to make changes to lines 2 and 3, so they appear like so:



Most of the dirty work is done at this point. In this final step we’ll be making changes to our key bindings,or simply put, the button which will tell the over the shoulder camera to take effect. Many people prefer to use left shift for this, as it feels most natural, and I believe Mass Effect 2 uses it by default for their running / over the shoulder view. You can insert any key here, but we’ll use left shift in this example. On line 29 insert the following line:

Bindings=(Name="LeftShift",Command="ShoulderCam | OnRelease ReturnCam")

The ShoulderCam command is defined in our “YourGamePlayerController” class under the exe function ShoulderCam. So each time we hit that shift button it is telling the game to execute that function. By releasing the button, it obviously returns the camera to the default setting.

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