Dream.Build.Play dev diary 5

After writing numerous posts on the development process, I’ve come to the realization that I’ve yet to declare exactly what inspired me to make this game. Sure, I’ve said that a gentle nudge from George Clingerman and Michael Neel helped me get started with the actual learning process, but for the creative aspects and theme…

Dream.Build.Play dev diary 4

Well if you couldn’t tell by now, this game wasn’t finished in time for Dream.Build.Play  submission. I actually had the game working correctly, but didn’t have anywhere near enough features that I wanted and it was about as bare bones as it possibly could be. I figured “why rush?” and began to take my time…

Dream.Build.Play dev diary 3

So I took off more time than I had intended when recording these posts. I was trying to update it once each week or so, but I Just haven’t been making enough progress to justify it. I don’t have much to show in terms of screenshots either because I haven’t made any progress in the…

Dream.Build.Play dev diary 2

Update: I’ve found the thread where in the App Hub where I got the original idea for the powerups. It is now linked. This is part 2 of my Dream.Build.Play journal, where I outline what it’s like to learn the technical side of XNA and C#. You can find my first part here. As I…

Dream.Build.Play dev diary 1

I want to chronicle what it’s like to learn how to program. It has always been something that has interested me, and I’m impressed by people who can program. In the game development world programmers are the ones who hold the key to success. A game may be aesthetically pleasing or engross players in a…

XBLIG companion app for Windows Phone 7 is in beta now

Update: We’ve made a page dedicated to the production of the app.  I’ve been working with Casey Young to promote an app he has put together to make finding XBLIGs a more convenient experience. As XBLIG developers, we’ve grown weary from having gamers complain that our titles are difficult to find on the marketplace. Yesterday’s LIVE update…

Indie Game Summer Uprising Post-Mortem

EDIT: I’ve added the section “6. The Dashboard”, an intro, as well as numerous grammatical corrections throughout. Since its inception, the Xbox Live Indie Games have been considered the red-deaded stepchild of Microsoft’s internet based LIVE platform. Hidden beneath layers of menus and triple-A titles, sales and promotions have never been outstanding for developers, unless…