//GameOn contest for student game devs, how I started with GDC

In October, I wrote about how I would get started with programming, knowing what I do today. With this post, I wanted to explain how I got started in game devleopment and programming. This all ties into the latest promotion that Microsoft has for students. I’ve been pushing for the return of Dream.Build.Play, an XNA…

A new episode of the Indie Dev Podcast is up

Last year I started interviewing independent game developers from across the world, in an effort to highlight their work, and the strategy behind how they build their games. I took a hiatus for the summer while I was traveling for work, but I’m happy to announce that the show is back, as of today. This…

The history of JavaScript, as told by Douglas Crockford

I’ve always found Douglas Crockford to be such an interesting person, because of his intimate knowledge of JavaScript. From Wikipedia: …best known for his ongoing involvement in the development of the JavaScript language, for having popularized the data format JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), and for developing various JavaScript related tools such as JSLint and JSMin.[2]…